In this fast paced life It is very difficult to live a Healthy life and much more difficult if you are an IT employee or an Engineering student :P.Food at hostel,Eating habit,sports ,nutritions and sleep ....none of these terminologies are balanced.Some of us are either night owl or early birds.The early morning is often the time of day you have most control over. Unlike later in the day, very little happens between 5am and 8am that can throw a wrench in your plans.
Wakeup call from friends,parents (Hey nikhil wake up!!)are common and sometimes alarms clock (I can't forget them.:P)
To overcome the sleeping disorder ,I found 9 ways and it works!!you can try them out .It's Compiled AND TESTED!!
In a survey it was found that most of the CEO's wake up before 6 am.the most successful people are early risers.Chances are if you get up early you spend less time sleeping, which frees up more time for other, more productive activities.
Go to bed when you’re tired, and wake up at the same time every day. And what if you’re not tired until 1am? That’s okay too. Just make sure you still set your alarm for the new, earlier time. The next day you’ll likely be tired earlier than usual, and a new, more steady sleep pattern will begin to take shape.
Know the 90-minute rule. Sleep research that says human sleep cycles occur in 90-minute intervals.You will be very energetic and fresh after 6 hr sleep rather than 8 hrs one.
ut your sleep time incrementally. If you sleep 8 hr a day cut it down by 30 mins.for a week than again 30 mins in the next week until it reaches your ideal sleep schedule .
Give yourself a good reason to get up. If you’re a coffee drinker, invest in a percolator with an automatic timer. Set it to brew at the time you’d like to get up. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, first thing in the morning? It really is the best part of waking up.
Let the sun shine in. When it’s dark, your body responds by producing sleep hormone melatonin. On the other hand, light discontinues this process and provides a natural cue to your brain that it’s time to wake up.
Move your alarm clock. Often, the hardest part of getting up early is actually getting out of your warm, comfortable bed.Keep your alarm clock at a distance.So that you cannot Snooze or stop just after the instance it buzzes.
Don’t let yourself snooze. We scream “just 10 more minutes." but now we are late for work. Just say no to snoozing! It’s no longer an option.
Drink a glass of water. Drink a glass of water before going to bed and you’ll naturally get up early. A glass of water first thing in the morning will kick start your metabolism and get you up and running.
Be your own alarm clock. Tell yourself you’re going to get up by a certain time, often your body will wake you up naturally.When you do manage to wake up without an alarm clock, you’ll find the transition back to full consciousness much more pleasant.
Try this out .It should definitely work.!!